The 4 Traumas

Examining historical conditions, current conditions, and solutions to global historical trauma.

1 - Genetic Trauma (Transgenerational Trauma)

Birth / Pre-Birth = Epigenetics: Genetic Memory, PTSS, Ancestral Memory, Incarnate Memory

Transgenerational trauma, or intergenerational trauma is the psychological effects that the collective trauma experienced by a group of people has on subsequent generations in that group. Collective trauma is the effect of psychological trauma experienced by communities and identity groups and carried as part of the group's collective memory and shared sense of identity.

2 - Decontextualized Trauma (Decontextualization)

This is a Hazy Trauma that does not have a time date or time stamp.

"TRAUMA DECONTEXTUALIZED in a person looks like personality Trauma decontextualized in a family looks like family traits. Trauma in a people looks like culture." -- Resmaa Menakem (My Grandmother’s Hands)

3 - Vicarious (Secondary) Trauma

Vicarious trauma is an intense reaction to being exposed to someone else's trauma story or being exposed to the details of the traumatic event.

Vicarious/Secondary trauma is when trauma is triggered or installed in the body without never having experienced the traumatic event personally.

It can affect the way you think, what you believe, and how you behave towards others in your community.


4 - Ghosting Trauma (Constant Sense of Doom)

When a person continually has a sense of impending doom, they might have a medical condition known as impending doom anxiety. Symptoms of this condition include constantly feeling like something awful is going to happen or that the world is coming to an end.


Presentiment: a feeling that something will or is about to happen : PREMONITION [SOURCE] Merriam Webster

This is a prime example of the terror of Quantum Entanglement with 2nd Frequency (aamu).

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